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1985년 부산에서 태어난 안토니오(본명:이혁)는 한국의 다채로운 문화 속에서 예술적 영감을 키웠습니다. 어린 시절부터 남북한의 정치적 대립을 경험하며 '다름'에 대한 깊은 사유를 하게 되었고, 이것이 그의 예술에 큰 영향을 끼쳤습니다. 이탈리아 밀라노에서의 미술 공부는 동서양 문화의 교차점에서 갈등하고 융화하는 새로운 경험을 하게되고, 이것은 창작의 열정으로 이어졌습니다. 캐나다로 이주한 후에는 그의 예술적 시야가 더욱 넓어졌습니다. 다양한 문화가 어우러진 이 환경에서 그는 '다름'을 세계적 관점에서 고찰하며 자신만의 독특한 예술적 정체성을 더욱 세련되게 다듬었습니다.

Born in 1985 in Busan, South Korea, Antonio Hyeok Lee's artistic journey was nurtured amidst the nation's vibrant cultural diversity. His early life was shaped by the cultural and political contrasts within Korea, especially the intense standoff between North and South Korea, which deeply influenced his perspective on 'difference.' This theme significantly colored his artistic expression. Studying art in Milan, Italy, Antonio was immersed in the intersection of Eastern and Western cultures, fueling his creative drive. His subsequent move to Canada broadened his artistic vision. In this diverse environment, he contemplated 'difference' from a global standpoint, further refining his unique artistic identity.


Name : Lee, Hyeok (ANTONIO)

Date of Birth : 7, November, 1985​, South Korea

Currently living in Vancouver

Education :

2016 - 2021 BFA Fine Art  Emily Carr Art and Design University, Vancouver

2012 - 2014 BFA Fine Art, Accademia delle belle arti di Brera, Milano 


Website :

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Email :

Solo Exhibition​

2025, 4  The Artist's Room:encountering Antonio, Combineworks Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

2024, 8  Mind Strolling, TDA HAUS, Seoul, South Korea

2023, 5  Encounters:embracing our differences, Arts council of Surrey, Surrey, Canada

2022. 7  Encounters:embracing our differences, Hotel Andaz, Seoul, South Korea

2021.12 Encounters:embracing our differences, Lamer Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

2021. 8  Encounters:embracing our differences, Headline Gallery, Vancouver, Canada

2020. 2  Human nature, Lamer Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

2018. 7  Designed War​, Cityart Gallery, Milan, Italy

2017. 7  Peace. No more war,  Silk Gallery, Port Moody, Canada

2014. 8  Explosion, Gallery MOA, Heyri, South Korea

Group Exhibition

2021, 6    ART2021 A juried exhibition by Surrey art council, Surrey art gallery, Surrey, Canada

2013. 10   National students’ Art Contest BARI Italy 2013, University of Bari, Italy

​2013. 3     Associazione Arte Cultura e Sport, Provincial Congress Milan, Milan, Italy

Art Fair / Biennale 

2023. 3  International Art Fair BAMA BUSAN 23, BUSAN, South Korea

2017.11 International Fine art Biennale, Romart2017, Rome, Italy

2014. 8  International Art Fair Art Gwangju 2014, Gwangiu, South Korea


2021, 6    ART2021 A juried exhibition by Surrey art council, Surrey art gallery, Surrey, Canada

2017. 12  INTERNATIONAL ART COMPETITION “Patterns" 2017, Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery, USA

2014. 6    ART AWARD OF GRIFFIN 2014, Italy

2013. 10  National students Art Contest BARI Italy 2013, Italy

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